How to Do an Astigmatism Test at Home
Nowadays, you don’t have to go to an eye doctor just to have an idea of whether you have astigmatism. Thanks to the presence of different eye tests online, you can simply look at some images or answer a few questions to find out if there’s really something wrong with your vision. Read on to learn more about DIY astigmatism tests.
When does a person usually feel the need to try an astigmatism test?
There are a lot of vision problems with similar symptoms. That’s why you can’t be sure if you have astigmatism unless you try some sort of test.
It’s only natural for a person to assume that he has astigmatism as soon as he experiences the following symptoms:
- Headache
- Painful or tired eyes
- Blurry vision
- The need to squint just to see something
- Inability to see things clearly in low light
However, you can’t say you have astigmatism just because you experience those symptoms. You really need to perform a test or consult a specialist for eye exam.
It turns out that the best time to visit your eye doctor is when the symptoms are already affecting your daily life. That’s because vision problems are sometimes caused by stress alone, which can be solved by taking a break. Doing an at home astigmatism test can save you time and money if your worries are all for naught.
What can you expect when you go to an optometrist? The doctor will confirm if you indeed have astigmatism. Next, he will inform you how serious it is. Lastly, you’ll be advised on the right corrective option for you and get prescription lenses or advice to wear glasses.
If you have a baby, it’s also your responsibility to check if he has good vision. Bring your child to an optometrist, ophthalmologist, or even a pediatrician to know for sure. Astigmatism can be an inborn condition, so the astigmatism tests must start even though your kid is still a newborn.
If everything’s A-OK, don’t just stop. Astigmatism can also be caused by some factors as your child grows up. So, bring your kid to an eye care professional annually, even up to his school-age years.
What causes astigmatism?
Astigmatism is caused by an imperfection in the shape of your eye. Normally, your eye is round, like a ball. But if you have astigmatism, your eye is shaped more like a football or an egg. This irregular shape prevents light from focusing properly on your retina — the back part of your eye that processes images.
The condition is a result of an irregularly shaped eye. Only diseases, injuries, and surgical procedures can change the curve of your lens or cornea.
That’s right; the risk of astigmatism is based on the form of your lenses or corneas. The lens is specifically found in the inner portion of your eye. It can alter its form to let you focus on an object near you. On the other hand, the cornea is right on the surface with your tear film.
Those two structures in your eyes are meant to be curved in a perfectly round shape to bend light correctly for the retina to process an image without distortions. Even if only one of them has an egg shape, astigmatism can already occur. That irregular form makes the retina bend light differently, resulting in two images overlapping.
See available contact lenses:
How can you do an online astigmatism test at home?
We’re recommending these three websites where you can test yourself for astigmatism online:
This website will provide you with three different pictures. The images have one thing in common–black, thick lines. The lines are either combined with curves or shown horizontally and vertically.
However, before you start looking at lines, you need to move a meter or two to three feet away from your computer monitor first. For a more convenient session, use a wireless mouse. If you don’t have one, you need to walk to and from your desktop or laptop repeatedly until you finish the test.
After clicking the “Start” button, you have to look at each picture with a single eye. You need to cover one eye as you observe the image with the other one. Do this on both sides one at a time. Then, click the “Yes” or “No” button if 100% of the lines look sharp and dark.
Two to three “Yes” choices are considered less likely to have astigmatism. Meanwhile, two to three “No” choices suggest you need to visit your eye doctor ASAP to confirm whether you have the condition or not.
The official site of the OptoPlus Eyecare Clinic has a simpler astigmatism test. It only gives one big image, but with a more complex design. The lines aren’t only combined with circles; they’re also presented with numbers.
Just like the previous website we’ve recommended, you’re required to do the test without wearing eyeglasses. You must also stand three feet away from your computer and look at the picture with one eye.
The test doesn’t exactly specify whether you should perceive the lines clearly or not. The point is to see that all lines are perfectly dark. Seeing grey lines can mean you have astigmatism.
Family Eye Physicians
Known for their laser centers, Family Eye Physicians also have their own website. However, the online astigmatism test on their page is unique.
Aside from using questions instead of images (there’s one picture in the end, though), the test is designed for people who are at least 55 years old. The reason? Its aim is to help the reader assess if he also has cataracts.
The questions are basically asking if you’re experiencing the symptoms of astigmatism. You don’t have to type anything. You just need to click “Yes” or “No”.
Basics of At-Home Astigmatism Testing
You can check for astigmatism at home in a few different ways. Below are instructions for two of the most common methods.
The Mirror Test
One way to test for astigmatism is to use a mirror. You will need a small, handheld mirror and a well-lit room to do this. Follow the steps below:
- Hold the mirror in front of your face to see your reflection.
- With both eyes open, look at a distant object in the room.
- Focus on this object and hold it in your line of sight.
- Slowly bring the mirror toward your face until you can see your left eye in the reflection.
- With your left eye still in view, cover your right eye with your hand.
- Notice how your left eye looks in the reflection.
- If you see a blurry or distorted image, you may have astigmatism.
- Repeat with your right eye to be sure.
The Line Test
Another way to test for astigmatism is to use a straight line. You will need a piece of paper with a straight edge and a well-lit room to do this. Follow the steps below:
- Hold the paper in front of your face with the straight edge horizontal.
- Focus on a distant object in the room.
- Slowly bring the paper toward your face until you can see the straight edge in your peripheral vision.
- As you focus on the object, notice how the straight edge looks.
- If the line appears wavy or distorted, you may have astigmatism.
The Dial Test
If you have access to an eye chart, you can also use it to test for astigmatism. This is sometimes called the “dial tests.” To do this, follow the steps below:
- Stand 20 feet away from the eye chart and cover one eye with your hand.
- Focus on the eye chart and find the smallest line of text you can read clearly.
- With your other hand, rotate the dial on the side of the eye chart until the line of text is no longer blurry.
- Notice the number on the dial that lines up with the clear text.
- This is your “astigmatism number.” Repeat this test with your other eye to be sure.
How is astigmatism diagnosed by eye doctor?
If you think you might have astigmatism, the first step is to see your eye doctor for a complete eye exam. During the exam, your doctor will use a machine called a phoropter to test how well your eyes focus light. He or she will also check the health of your eyes and look for signs of other eye problems.
How is astigmatism treated?
The most common treatment is eyeglasses or contact lenses that correct astigmatism. These corrective lenses help refocus light on your retina so that you can see clearly.
In some cases, surgery may be an option to treat astigmatism. This type of surgery is called refractive surgery. During refractive surgery, a doctor will use a laser to change the shape of your eye so that light focuses properly on your retina.
If you have astigmatism, it is important to see your eye doctor regularly for checkups. This will help ensure that your vision is corrected and that your eyes are healthy.
Where to Buy Contact Lenses for Astigmatism
Correcting astigmatism isn’t just about wearing eyeglasses or undergoing surgery. Here at Contact Lenses 4 Us, we have several products like Air Optix, Pure Vision 2HD, and 1-Day Acuvue Moist–all for people with astigmatism!
Order now and we’re going to ship it wherever you are in the world even if you don’t have a prescription.
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