Is There Any Age Limit on Wearing Contact Lenses?

While some kids enjoy the fashion statement of eyeglasses, others prefer their appearance without them. There is no right age to commence wearing contact lens. It’s more about your kids’ level of accountability.

If you feel your child can handle lenses responsibly, they are ready to wear contact lenses. Before taking your child for a contact lens trial, check whether they can follow the instructions. Inappropriate use of lenses can result in serious eye injuries.

Using and Contact lens care requires more involvement than wearing glasses. But is there any age limits for contact lens? Here are some essential things to learn about contact lenses and their utility.

Can Kids Wear Contact lenses? Age Limit on Wearing Contact Lenses:

Kids Contact lenses

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Usually, there is no specific age limit on wearing contact lenses. However, it is still crucial to consider whether someone can wear lenses. The decision of vision correction via contact lenses relates less to age and more to the other parameters.

One should consider factors like lifestyle, eye health, and other conditions to using lenses. Strongly consider if your kid requires lenses at a very young age or if they want to wear contacts for cosmetic purposes? If your child is suffering from myopia, lenses will slow down its progression. Moreover, if your kid actively participates in sports, contacts make a great alternative to glasses.

Reasons to Wear Lenses:

Generally, ophthalmologists recommend the use of lenses for children between 11 to 14 years. But it depends entirely on the maturity level of your kid.

Personal hygiene and proper handling are crucial factors that decide the feasibility of using lenses for your kid. Here are some reasons why your child should switch to contact lenses from glasses.

  ✔ Wider Field of Vision:

Wearing contact lenses will offer your child a broader field of vision. Lenses can move with the eyeball, which provides the superior vision to glasses. To wear Contact lenses also guarantee improved peripheral vision.

  ✔ Freedom from Glasses:

Wearing contact lenses can instil a sense of freedom in teens. Furthermore, it provides freedom from glasses which can often get foggy due to weather conditions.

  ✔ Sports and other Physical Activities:

If your kid is into sports and other physical activities, eyeglasses can hinder their movement. By investing in superior quality soft lenses, they can participate without worrying much about their glasses falling off.

  ✔ Increased Confidence Levels:

Using lenses to correct vision can make your kids feel confident in their everyday lives. A large number of children normally feel self-conscious when wearing glasses. Contact lenses provide your teens with a huge confidence boost.

Deciding on Contact Lens- What Should You Know?

Is There Any Age Limit on Wearing Contact Lenses?

Here are some vital things you should know before deciding on wearing contact lenses.

For Children:

Younger children should be responsible while wearing lenses. Although accidents are rare cases that happen, kids are prone to mishandling lenses. That’s why your child should ensure that the lenses are always clean and parents should take care of them.

Moreover, parents should follow proper instructions to maintain hygiene. For instance, washing hands properly is necessary before using lenses. Think about your kid’s ability to take instructions before taking them to a trial session.

For Temporary Use:

If you are searching for temporary lenses, buy disposable ones. Disposable lenses don’t require extensive handling care. But always consult an ophthalmologist before buying disposable lenses.

You can choose:

For Adults:

For Adults

If you are using prescription glasses but want more flexibility, investing in contact lenses will be ideal. Nowadays, you can buy a wide variety of non prescription contact lenses for several types of eye defects. Almost any adult can use lenses after the approval of an eye care professional.


When you are buying lenses for your child, always do some prior research. Consulting an ophthalmologist (eye care specialist) is the best choice before investing in lenses for your child.

Buy contact lenses after ascertaining the right age for contact lenses for temporary use, for adults, or for kids. We have covered everything about age limits for contact lenses here.

See also:

Is There Any Age Limit on Wearing Contact Lenses?

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